Our Vision & Mission

At Equilibrio Advisory LLP, our Vision & Mission is to provide legal remedies & psychological interventions for building Equitable & Safe Spaces

We Envision a Society

Diverse, Inclusive & Equitable

Where diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, safety, security and respect imbibe and form the base of any work or living environment.

No Bullying & Discrimination

Where admissions, grades, selections, recruitments, retention, promotions, and life is not negatively impacted due to bullying, discrimination, bias or harassment of any kind.

Respect for Well Being of All

Where physical, mental and emotional well-being of all is recognized, irrespective of their age, gender, sexuality, race, caste etc.

Respect for Laws & Policies

Where laws are adhered to in letter and spirit & laws, processes & policies are amended from time to time based on needs of the society.

Who Are We?

We are a team of qualified professionals such as Legal experts (who have diversified knowledge and practical experience in the legal field), Psychological experts (who have thorough experience of counselling as well as working with women and children on the field) and Social Workers.

Working with various organisations varying from education to finance to media organisations, our entire team has first-hand experience of dealing with matters relating to abuse, sexual or otherwise. Because of our combined expertise, we are also in a position to guide, not just the employer but also employees and managers at all levels. We are also able to have effective age appropriate conversations with children to create awareness about such topics. This, along with our expertise on providing training / awareness sessions at all levels for handling, prevention, prohibition and redressal allows us to achieve our ultimate goal of building Equitable & Safe Spaces. This makes us a unique combination of a full service legal and counselling organisation, which proves us to be a valuable asset for any organization.

We're GDPR and
ISO 27001:2022 Certified

Our Internal Committee (IC)

We are compliant with The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. As part of our POSH policy, in case of any grievances related to sexual harassment at workplace, kindly reach out to: ic@equilibrioadvisory.org