How to Conduct an Inquiry into a Complaint of Sexual Harassment

How to Conduct an Inquiry into a Complaint of Sexual Harassment?

“On 29th January evening, my manager approached me in a pantry, grabbed my ass and said “it seems you have put on weight”. He had a smirk on his face and followed it by saying “but I don’t differentiate”.

“At an office party, people were playing Have I never ever…which started off with travel destinations, food tasted, silliest things done and gradually moved on to number of intimate relationships, experiences with sexual partners and very personal questions. Gradually the discomfort was creeping in, and I wanted to excuse myself from the group but just didn’t know how to. Each time I made an excuse to make a call, go to the restroom, my peers would call out and insist I participate. Perhaps it was just a fun thing to do even though it wasn’t fun for me.It became from not fun to traumatic when this one person started making gestures, comments in reference to what was discussed at the party and took liberties to even comment on my character and relationships”

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