Edition 25 (5th-April-2025)

The Equilibrio Gazette

A brief bulletin for building safe workspaces!

This weekly newsletter is your gateway to staying current on relevant
laws (like POSH, POCSO, Transgender Persons Act, etc.) and the
psychosocial intersections that impact the workplace.

5th April 2024 | Edition 25

Upcoming Event

Mark your calendars! In this section, we highlight an upcoming event you won't want to miss.

In our exclusive workshop on April
20th-21st, we are diverging from
conventional paths. Rather than
solely focusing on compliance with
the POSH Act 2013, we delve into
intersectionality. Explore instances of
workplace sexual harassment
through a psychosocial lens. Don’t
miss out,

In the Spotlight!

Explore ways to build your knowledge and capacity with our team of in-house experts!

Sexual harassment transcends
boundaries, extending beyond
corporate offices to film sets,
hospitals, and more. Victims aren’t
confined by gender or sexuality;
harassment affects all. Let’s
recognize this pervasive issue and
work towards eradicating it from
every sphere.

In JNU, a student says that despite
lodging a sexual harassment
complaint in March, the university
has still not taken any action. This
causes stress and anxiety amongst
the survivors due to delays and
opaque investigation processes.
There are provisions under the
POSH Act, namely Section 12 that
effectively addresses this issue by
providing interim relief.

On World Autism Awareness Day,
April 2nd, Inclusion at Work
highlighted the need to demystify
misconceptions around autism,
which is a neurological variance. To
unlearn the stereotypes associated
with autism.

To commemorate Autism
Acceptance Week, Equilibrio’s
Samriti Makkar Midha had an
enlightening discussion with Arpita
Gaidhane, a neurodivergent artist
and facilitator. Shifting the focus to
lived experience, they spoke about
the diagnosis gap in girls and AFAB
persons when it comes to autism.

Stay Current!

~ Spotlighting Landmark Judgments since passing of the Law!


Kerala HC ruled that violation of Rule
7 in a IC proceeding invalidates the
entire inquiry. The court ordered
constitution of a new committee in
compliance with POSH Act, ensuring
the petitioner’s right to a fair hearing.
The judgment highlights the
importance of procedural adherence
& natural justice principles in such


Being a neurodivergent person can
be a difficult experience if a
workplace does not have affirmative
practices in place. Usri Basistha,
Associate (Inclusion At Work),
shares their experience as a
neurodivergent person and how they
feel supported at the workplace.

The reputed organization FIITJEE
has been withholding salaries for two
months. This incident shows a lack
of mental health awareness on an
organizational level. Financial stress
can exacerbate the inequity
employees face when employers fail
to create an inclusive atmosphere.

In an appalling incident, college
faculty sexually harassed students
and coerced them into remaining
silent in Andhra Pradesh. The
incident stands in clear violation of
POSH laws. To understand the
nuances of inequity and exclusion
that result from lack of awareness
and faulty policy implementation.

Engage with us!

Here's your weekly food for thought through a Fun Fact or Quiz.

Did you know?

The male-to-female incidence of autism was thought to be 4:1. Studies show
autism manifests differently in women. Moreover, it has now been found gender
bias leads to underdiagnosis of autism in women. 80% autistic women are
diagnosed late in their twenties. McCrossin’s (2022) mathematical projections
that accounts for these factors state that the true male-to-female ratio of autism
is 3:4.

Have a burning question about POSH? Maybe Mental Health at Work, Child safety or DEI&B strategies? Drop us an email with your query and we would love to answer it, in all seriousness.

Curious Cat: How do you become an ally to autistic people?

Answer: To become an ally to autistic folx, understand autism is a diverse
spectrum. Try to make public spaces accessible for autistic people. Support
autistic creators & entrepreneurs and amplify their voices.
Educate yourself about autism. Listen to the lived experience of autistic people,
they are the real experts on the subject. You can approach a neuroaffirming
counsellor to learn more.

Here’s all the tools you need to build safe and equitable workspaces!
Drop us a Hey, to get started!

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