Edition 10 (22nd-December-2023)

The Equilibrio Gazette

A brief bulletin for building safe workspaces!

This weekly newsletter is your gateway to staying current on relevant
laws (like POSH, POCSO, Transgender Persons Act, etc.) and the
psychosocial intersections that impact the workplace.

22nd Dec 2023 | Edition 10

In the Spotlight!

Explore ways to build your knowledge and capacity with our team of in-house experts!

As the year concludes, a friendly
reminder: All organizations must
comply by filing Annual Reports as
per the POSH Act. Our dedicated
team has ensured seamless
compliance for our clients. Explore
our open database for District
Officers’ details nationwide.

Check Now

Don’t miss out on year-end
compliance! Join our essential
training sessions on December 26th
& 27th (11 a.m.-12 p.m.). In this
MOP Up Awareness Program (for
Employees and IC members) get a
clear understanding of POSH Act
requirements, practical skills to
prevent harassment, and engage in
an interactive Q&A.

The International Day to End
Violence Against Sex Workers is
observed annually on December
17th. This day aims to raise
awareness about violence,
discrimination, and stigma faced
by sex workers worldwide, and
advocates for the protection of their
human rights.

Stay Current!

~ Spotlighting Landmark Judgments since passing of the Law!


The Kerala High Court emphasized
that mere intemperate language in
an official report does not constitute
sexual harassment unless connected
to inappropriate behaviour.

It lauded the redesign of the Chief
Minister’s Distress Relief Fund
(CMDRF) to protect the privacy of
HIV patients. The decision reflects
the court’s commitment to shielding
HIV patients from unwanted attention
and breaches of privacy.

The Delhi HC upholds a sexual
assault conviction, emphasizing the
victim’s consistent support for the
prosecution’s case despite minor
inconsistencies. The court dismisses
the appeal, emphasizing the trauma
endured by the victim.


Smriti Irani rejected paid menstrual
leave, arguing menstruation is
normal. This has sparked an debate,
supporters of paid period leave
policy see it as vital for gender
equality, while skeptics raise
practical concerns about business
operations and policy abuse.

A female judge’s open letter exposed
systemic issues, including workplace
sexual harassment within the Indian
judiciary. Despite reporting the
abuse, her concerns were
inadequately addressed, prompting
CJI to request a status report.

Engage with us!

Here's your weekly food for thought through a Fun Fact or Quiz

Did you know?

Contrary to popular belief, December, the holiday season, has the fewest
suicides, and the idea that suicides spike during this time is a myth. A
study by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found that 40% of news stories
incorrectly supported this myth, influencing 80% of adults to believe in it.
Suicides are actually more common in the summer months, and experts warn
against perpetuating false information, as it can be harmful to those struggling
with mental health.

Have a burning question about POSH? Maybe Mental Health at Work, Child
safety or DEI&B strategies? Drop us an email with your query and we would
love to answer it, in all seriousness.

Curious Cat:
Are you familiar with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the winter blues?

EA Team:
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is winter depression linked to reduced
sunlight. The exact cause of SAD is not known, but it is thought to be related to
changes in light exposure, which can affect the body’s internal clock (circadian
rhythms) & certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin & melatonin. One can
combat winter gloom (SAD) by talking to their therapist, they can also
take “light therapy” (phototherapy), exercise, & indulge in self-care for a brighter mood.

Here’s all the tools you need to build safe and equitable workspaces!
Drop us a Hey, to get started!

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